King James was Gay

1st Duke of Lennox, Esmé Stuart, King Jamesʼ Lover

How many folks know that King James (who commissioned the King James Bible and to whom it was dedicated) loved men and had sex with them? At the age of thirteen James fell madly in love with his male cousin Esmé Stuart whom he made Duke of Lennox. James deferred to Esmé to the consternation of his ministers. In 1582 James was kidnapped and forced to issue a proclamation against his lover and send him back to France.

Later, James fell in love with a poor young Scotsman named Robert Carr. “The king leans on his [Carrʼs] arm, pinches his cheeks, smooths his ruffled garment, and when he looks upon Carr, directs his speech to others.”
—Thomas Howard, Earl of Suffolk, in a letter, 1611

Carr eventually ended the relationship after which the king expressed his dissatisfaction in a letter to Carr, “I leave out of this reckoning your long creeping back and withdrawing yourself from lying in my chamber, notwithstanding my many hundred times earnest soliciting you to the contrary...Remember that (since I am king) all your being, except your breathing and soul, is from me.” (See The Letters of King James I & VI, ed., G. P. V. Akrigg, Univ. of Calif. Press, 1984. Also see Royal Family, Royal Lovers: King James of England and Scotland, David M. Bergeron, Univ. of Missouri Press, 1991)
—Skip Church

King Jamesʼ favorite male lovers were the Earl of Somerset and the Duke of Buckingham.
—Ben Edward Akerly, The X-rated Bible

Jamesʼs sexual orientation was so widely known that Sir Walter Raleigh joked about it in public saying “King Elizabeth” had been succeeded by “Queen James.”
—Catherine D. Bowen, The Lion and the Throne

“James, aged thirteen, was completely starstruck by these new arrivals. After being brought up by dour Presbyterians and a rough-hewn bunch of nobles, he suddenly appeared from the schoolroom to find a group of charming, well-traveled, well-educated and attractive men. He was fascinated by them, welcoming his release from the Reformist nobilityʼs stranglehold. The attraction of these personable and worldly courtiers was a breath of fresh air, and they quickly played on his sensibilities. These new ‘favorites’ were the key to free him from the shackles of the Kirk and his schoolroom. Within a month of Esméʼs arrival, James had agreed to leave Stirling and to take his place at Holyrood, where Esmé reorganized the Court and his household on the French model.

There was more to Jamesʼs relationship with these favorites than kicking against his religious upbringing. Their charisma provided a sensual stimulus for him that he was not to enjoy with his interfering and insensitive wife, Anne of Denmark, when they married in 1589. They provided the glamour that he lacked, and there can be little doubt that his homosexuality stemmed from his early attraction to the androgynous Esmé. Well experienced in Court circles in France, Esmé took advantage of the sexual overtures of this vulnerable adolescent, twenty-four years his junior. James would openly clasp him in his arms to kiss him, shocking the Reformist clergy, who saw that Esmé ‘went about to draw the King to carnal lust’, while James showered him with offices and presents. By March 1580, the English ambassador, Bowes, was telling Elizabeth that Esmé was ‘called to be one of the secret counsel, and carryeth the sway in court’. By September ‘few or none will openly withstand anything that he would have forward’.

Esmé Stuart, 1st Duke Of Lennox

King James 1 was a known homosexual who murdered his young lovers and victimized countless heretics and women. His cruelty was justified by his “divine right” of kings.
—Otto J. Scott, James the First

Although the title page of The King James Bible boasted that it was “newly translated out of the original tongues,” the work was actually a revision of The Bishopʼs Bible of 1568, which was a revision of The Great Bible of 1539, which was itself based on three previous English translations from the early 1500s. So, the men who produced the King James Bible not only inherited some of the errors made by previous English translators, but invented some of their own.

Desiderius Erasmus was a “Christian humanist” who collected Greek (and Latin) New Testament manuscripts and compared and edited them, verse by verse, selecting what he considered to be the best variant passages, until he had compiled what came to be known as the “textus receptus.” Early English translations of the Bible, like those mentioned above, were based on his “textus receptus.” Erasmus was also a monk whom some historians believe engaged in homosexual activities.

But without both King James and Erasmus, the most widely touted Bible in Christian history would never have been produced, the KJV (or shall we say, Gay-JV?) Bible.
—Skip Church

A physical weakling, as an adolescent James had shown himself to be a coward, who liked only to hunt, to read (which he did, prodigiously) and to talk. To protect himself he wore thick quilted doublets, so padded that they provided a kind of armor against any assassin who might attack him with a knife. When he revealed a sexual preference for men, falling in love with his cousin Esmé Stewart and elevating him to a position of authority on the royal council, some of his nobles kidnapped James and held him captive, banishing Stewart and controlling Jamesʼs every move. After nearly a year James escaped, but continued to resent his jailers; after he began to rule on his own behalf, at seventeen, he made it a priority to bring the turbulent Scots nobles under control.

As he aged James indulged his preference for handsome men, living apart from his wife. His doting fondness was part paternal, part erotic; he called his favorite George Villiers “sweet child and wife” and referred to himself as “your dear dad and husband.” But to his courtiers, the sight of the aging, paunchy, balding monarch, who according to one court observer had a tendency to drool, leaning on his paramours was utterly repellant.

The first of the kingʼs minions was Robert Carr, Groom of the Bedchamber, who the king elevated to earl of Somerset and appointed Lord Chamberlain. After six years of favors and royal gifts Carr was brought low, accused of murder and sent away from court. The second and greatest royal favorite, the extraordinarily handsome George Villiers, rose from cupbearer to Gentleman of the Bedchamber and ultimately to Earl of Buckingham.

“I love the Earl of Buckingham more than anyone else,” James announced to his councilors, “and more than you who are here assembled.” He compared his love for the earl to Jesusʼs affection for the “beloved disciple” John. “Jesus Christ did the same,” the king said, “and therefore I cannot be blamed. Christ had his John, and I have my George.”

With such pronouncements King James seemed to reach a new level of outrage, especially when he compounded his offense, in the view of many, by heaping Buckingham with costly jewels, lands, and lucrative offices.

Royal Panoply, Brief Lives Of The English Monarchs
Carrolly Erickson, History Book Club

Additional Reading

Florence Nightingale, The Red Cross and Christianity
Exactly how “Christian” Florence Nightingale was, or Dunant (founder of the International Red Cross), or Barton (founder of the American Red Cross) depends on whether you also believe that freethinking anti-Trinitarians, Universalists, mystics, and gays, can all be considered “true Christians.”…


  1. Wow. So good to have this information available. Thank you

    1. Yesssss Yesssss that was verrry gooooooooooddddd

    2. King James was a black man but he was not gay. King James enemies started the lie that he was gay to destroy his character and legacy. King James was married, loved his wife

    3. Thats an interesting statement. How do you support the king being a black man?

    4. Colour, not relevant in context, King James' portraits do not portray him as having any melanin in his skin. Jesus (Son of David!) was actually a Palestinian freedom fighter and Bethlehem was not a Jewish town, but Palestinian. - The Moors Gate engraved Moors into Judaic religious history due to the fact that the Moors were part and parcel to those “Holy” territories, Jerusalem and Palestine.

    5. Oh dear, I think BELINDA NOAH is getting Martin Luther King, Jr. and King James mixed up. :v

    6. Wishful thinking lol! He wasnt a fag Period..

    7. Some of you motherfuckers are so racist its sick.if started that he was white it wouldn't have been a problem, white people time is close to expiration

    8. When the he Chosen Trolls appear the truth is always near. - z.

    9. I think that it is notable that although King James may have practiced a homosexual lifestyle, he still approved the scriptures condemning homosexual behavior. Authentic, or what?!

    10. Interesting that you think it is notable of him to approve the scriptures to condemn homosexuality. Rather he practiced or not, what made him so perfect to request over 50 priest to configure a bible and condense it from it's original state. As I study King James life, it makes me wonder why is it God would choose him for the assignment of scriptures or did he? King James version was not the first English Bible I find through my research that man's behavior and desire to control leaves room for much error and even James requesting his own thought and beliefs to be added. Seeing God made the world and all in it, Don't you find it strange that God made all of us and he makes no mistakes but this one group called Homosexuals, we're told he don't like John 3:3 All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made....what did I miss?

    11. quincy jones, i dont believe jesus was white or black. if you consider both the year and place of birth, he most likely looks the same as people in jerusalem, bethleham look today but dont be angry. i love my sweet lord and savior no matter what shade of brown his skin is.


  2. I am happy that someone else has taken the time to look this up. Now if only we could get a documentary to tell the truth, and spread this information upon the sea of general knowledge, maybe we can get away from the stupidity brought about by the fantasy of King James Version.

    Thank you.

    1. the original bible was used for many many years it was introduced to us by King Henry the VIII and although he himself was Corrupted the word of god as from what I was told was a bible of which was to be Trusted James a Roman Catholic Jesuit Priest became King The King Henry's bible was something of a thorn in the Catholic Churches Back and so before the coronation of King James Bishops Cardinals Monks and nuns alike were to Ascribe to corrupt the word of God to a point where they made out that Mary was a virgin and that Joseph never touched her Now if that was a Fact pray tell me why does it say that King David would pass on his seed? Bathsheba was the woman in whom became the first woman to pass on his seed unto her giving the first boy child Read your bible and see on how many generations of the seed of David before it came to Joseph Look on how many Hebrew Names there were where you will not find one Male that is called Jesus and look and see how many Math, Mark Luke and Johns there was and how many Mary's and Peter's or James I do not think you will find any names that even have a J For I read the Letter J was not around in those early Years Yehowshuwa Was his name not Jesus Satan has destroyed the Living word of God and has Placed names within the Bible that are Roman names If you go to church no matter on how you clap your hands and stamp your feet and shout Jesus and then say Amen You will not be saved Protestant Catholic alike if you worship in those Churches and confess to Jesus or the Virgin Mary Wave goodbye to salvation

    2. Wow, so YOU'RE in charge of salvation, huh? Heh. Good to know.

    3. Actually, the first English translation was introduced by William Tyndale, who was subsequently tied to a stake, strangled and then burned as a heretic at the order of Henry VIII. Approximately four years later Henry authorized an English translation. I'm really not sure how you come up with "Yehowshuwa." A Hebrew transliteration of Joshua would be Yeshua, and a Greek transliteration would be Iesous. I'm pretty sure YHWH is big enough that he knows I'm talking about his son regardless of the changes in language and morphology over the centuries. I seem to rememebr something about Christians having a mission to introduce the world to the Messiah, not a mission to hide the Messiah away beneath a cloak of semantics.

    4. Thank you so much! Finally,a voice of reason and logic! GOD Bless you and your family-ALWAYS!

    5. Finally,a voice of reason,logic and truth! Thank you so much for this! GOD Bless you and your family-ALWAYS!

  3. Second century Rabbi Simeon ben Yohai, one of Judaism’s very greatest rabbis and a creator of Kabbalah, sanctioned pedophilia—permitting molestation of baby girls even younger than three! He proclaimed,

    “A proselyte who is under the age of three years and a day is permitted to marry a priest.” 1
    Yebamoth 60b,
    Subsequent rabbis refer to ben Yohai’s endorsement of pedophilia as "halakah," or binding Jewish law. 2 Yebamoth 60b
    Has ben Yohai, child rape advocate, been disowned by modern Jews? Hardly. Today, in ben Yohai’s hometown of Meron, Israel, tens of thousands of orthodox and ultra-orthodox Jews gather annually for days and nights of singing and dancing in his memory.
    References to pedophilia abound in the Talmud. They occupy considerable sections of Treatises Kethuboth and Yebamoth and are enthusiastically endorsed by the Talmud’s definitive legal work, Treatise Sanhedrin.

    The Pharisees Endorsed Child Sex

    The rabbis of the Talmud are notorious for their legal hairsplitting, and quibbling debates. But they share rare agreement about their right to molest three year old girls. In contrast to many hotly debated issues, hardly a hint of dissent rises against the prevailing opinion (expressed in many clear passages) that pedophilia is not only normal but scriptural as well! It’s as if the rabbis have found an exalted truth whose majesty silences debate.
    Because the Talmudic authorities who sanction pedophilia are so renowned, and because pedophilia as “halakah” is so explicitly emphasized, not even the translators of the Soncino edition of the Talmud (1936) dared insert a footnote suggesting the slightest criticism. They only comment: “Marriage, of course, was then at a far earlier age than now.” 3

    In fact, footnote 5 to Sanhedrin 60b rejects the right of a Talmudic rabbi to disagree with ben Yohai's endorsement of pedophilia:
    "How could they [the rabbis], contrary to the opinion of R. Simeon ben Yohai, which has scriptural support, forbid the marriage of the young proselyte?" 4
    1 Yebamoth 60b, p. 402.
    2 Yebamoth 60b, p. 403.
    3 Sanhedrin 76a.
    4 In Yebamoth 60b, p. 404, Rabbi Zera disagrees that sex with girls under three years and one day should be endorsed as halakah.

    1. The Jews of today are gentile Jews and are of the beast people as the sons of Satan who were made before the earth became a waste and desolation, the one Adam was made by God after the earth was a waste and desolation

  4. Ironic how the Religious Right relies so heavily on the King James Bible to justify their homophobia.

    1. Well,put it this way...If the bible translation was tampered with wouldn't king James have had the Scriptures denouncing homosexuality removed?

      Christians are not homophobic, we're just revealing what God say's is sinful to keep people from going to hell for breaking his laws.

      I myself am a Christian and know homosexuals that are
      cool to be around. It's not "homophobia" it's believing what God say's as opposed to what man thinks is right.

    2. Actually, the bible as we know it wasn't decided on as a book until Charlemaine's rule, 300 years after the death of Jesus. It was then that even the resurrection of Jesus was inserted, as there was no recorded history of the resurrection before then, verbal or written. Also, Jesus had 33 years on this earth as a last-ditch effort to give us personal instruction on what is right and wrong given the state of where we had taken the world morally. In his 33 years, he spoke not one word against homosexuality. I think that is quite telling.

    3. @achristianmyself
      The Bible does speak against homosecuality. All of the Scriptures, when properly interpreted, is the Word of God.

      If God decides to apologize for Sodom and Gomorrah, I think we can then change our view toward the perversion of same sex sin. Love the sinner. Hate the sin

    4. @achristianmyself
      The Bible does speak against homosecuality. All of the Scriptures, when properly interpreted, is the Word of God.

      If God decides to apologize for Sodom and Gomorrah, I think we can then change our view toward the perversion of same sex sin. Love the sinner. Hate the sin

    5. when "properly interpreted?" Please. You people never cease to amaze me.
      Just because you want to be gay...does not give cause to change what is written. The scriptures certainly do speak against homosexuality in every holy book...not just the slave owners KJV.

    6. achristianmyself;you said: the bible as we know it wasn't decided on as a book until Charlemaine's rule, 300 years after the death of Jesus. It was then that even the resurrection of Jesus was inserted, as there was no recorded history of the resurrection before then. Charlemagne became king in 768 following the death of his father which is about 730 years after the death of Jesus.

    7. He meant Constantine, not Charlemagne.

    8. Teon Blake - Stewart : I'll post this to challenge to careless statements.

      Firstly I believe My Elder may have been bi sexual and the bible promoted pro creation so the Gays were left out apart from the few negative references that are more about molestation which clearly would have been condemned . Also it would have made no sense for him to highlight activities he endured behind his wifes back. Some of which brought my part Caribean and part Noble blood existence.

      I have no idea nor care which stewarts were of colour but glad there was colour in the Dynasty.
      There were powerful Black / white nobles in this period however it was not fashionable to be dark like now , and depicted lighter & I'm a decendant of king james Stewart who generously gave us his land , and blood, passion , and I'm a man of colour who just like them would have been left out of history as you are too insecure to see power in different shades ; Belive how quickly some cultures fall in love especially with a culture from Africa to caribean who shaped the empire off some off their backs unlike me , Power lays with me beyond yours . I'm sure you'll grow up and probe. I , on the other hand am at the heart of it . We are also developing luxury apartments on 6 acres next to Rothchilds one acre estate on the platinum coast. Im also an Artist and writer - feel free to visit and to be enlightened of power in darker skin. BLACK and white ; We are bronze not Black- king james saw to that through God the; most high I quote.
      The painting weren't all wrong you just failed to remember mixed raced babies are very light; and as it was popular to be fair that is how they look. But just like the mixed raced ( who they foolishly call black but she is fair with African features ) queen charlotte you'll see black features ;
      Teon Blake-Stewart

    9. Teon Blake - Stewart : I'll post this to challenge to careless statements.

      Firstly I believe My Elder may have been bi sexual and the bible promoted pro creation so the Gays were left out apart from the few negative references that are more about molestation which clearly would have been condemned . Also it would have made no sense for him to highlight activities he endured behind his wifes back. Some of which brought my part Caribean and part Noble blood existence.

      I have no idea nor care which stewarts were of colour but glad there was colour in the Dynasty.
      There were powerful Black / white nobles in this period however it was not fashionable to be dark like now , and depicted lighter & I'm a decendant of king james Stewart who generously gave us his land , and blood, passion , and I'm a man of colour who just like them would have been left out of history as you are too insecure to see power in different shades ; Belive how quickly some cultures fall in love especially with a culture from Africa to caribean who shaped the empire off some off their backs unlike me , Power lays with me beyond yours . I'm sure you'll grow up and probe. I , on the other hand am at the heart of it . We are also developing luxury apartments on 6 acres next to Rothchilds one acre estate on the platinum coast. Im also an Artist and writer - feel free to visit and to be enlightened of power in darker skin. BLACK and white ; We are bronze not Black- king james saw to that through God the; most high I quote.
      The painting weren't all wrong you just failed to remember mixed raced babies are very light; and as it was popular to be fair that is how they look. But just like the mixed raced ( who they foolishly call black but she is fair with African features ) queen charlotte you'll see black features ;
      Teon Blake-Stewart

  5. Jim I'm doing my part to spread the word, but oh my how the words offend and ring on deaf ears.
    Thank you for sharing

  6. Are you kidding me? This is a lie. Do your research. You cannot believe everything you read on the Internet. Soon there won't be any more accurate history because of lies like these and blind followers that believe everything.

    1. Was there some specific quotation from the King's Letters or from historians that you wish to contest?

      Also, I read this in a magazine of Christian History:

      James I [who became king of England in 1603] thumbed his nose at the Puritans’ wish to keep Sunday a day of rest and holy contemplation by publishing The Book of Sports--a list of the sports and games one could lawfully engage in after church on Sunday. The controversy that followed was so volatile that a 17th-century historian cited it as one of the leading causes of the English Civil War.

    2. I wouldn't expect anything less from a committed atheist. Since the atheist has no moral standing and is not answerable to anyone but him/her self, anything goes and the King James Lies are perfect proof. The goal is to cast doubt upon the validity of God's Word (KJV)in favor of Satanic remakes (NIV, NASB, ETC.).

    3. ...the atheist has no moral standing...

      This is what you call reasoning or disproving what are historical facts?

      Of course you would deny the research that shows there are homosexual priests in, no, no...doesn't happen...never happened.

      You obviously never had higher education...History 101...the first time I was aware that KJ was gay. He wasn't the only one...cheer up!!

    4. An atheist is a person who believes in nothing. Everybody's got to believe in something, maybe just not the bullshit they were told.

    5. Ok but who decided Sunday was the day of was because according to Gods word that in itself is a sin

  7. Dear All,
    Whiles going through this write up I was caught by the insane statement purportedly made by King James to the effect "He compared his love for the earl to Jesus's affection for the "beloved disciple" John. "Jesus Christ did the same," the king said, "and therefore I cannot be blamed. Christ had his John, and I have my George."

    I respectfully reject what he says and I point out that James cannot compare his gay pride and sins to that of Our Lord, Jesus! Jesus was never gay, and John is on earth to verify that false accusation upon Christ, and so is Jesus yet again on earth to reprove that statement! Let the English people ask John the prophet of God whether Jesus ever had any sexual relationship with him, even unto this day as they friends indeed? King James was a lost soul, and never entered Heaven! A demon lover afterwards of his journey to proclaim the Living Truth to the West to discern from Racism and Sodomite behaviours, and he lost foresight and spiritual focus to the Light; and this is as apparent from the life style of Babylon of today that has been left over by James and C. who are still seeking to impose such Jamesi-gaysm unto Christian populations, where they rightly knows that there is No Room is Heaven to entertain such group of souls. Repentance unto Jesus, is the Only Way, the Truth and Life Eternity. Justice

    1. who gave you authrity to state "there is no room in heaven"? been there? mean all that dispensation money was fraud?

    2. you sound like an aryan separatist..."cussed be canaan, slave of slaves shall you be" from "uncle tom's cabin"

    3. No room in heaven?
      When the heck were you appointed Hall monitor to the angels with authority over heavenly crowd control?
      There was no room at the inn either, but that stopped nothing!

    4. As your Bible states in the book of Revelation. There is only room for 144,000 people. You really think people get bumped to let "holier" people in? I don't understand how you people believe that crap then say, with the confidence that you'll get someone else's spot, "there's no room in Heaven to entertain such a group of souls". Do you honestly believe that you have a spot out of those 144,000 your Bible says there is?

    5. Sorry but you are so wrong. It does not say only 144k are getting in, it merely says 144k will have a special purpose in the end days. Jehovah's Witnesses are the ones who make that claim. Why do you think they go door to door-because they actually care about you. Nope. They actually believe they'll be 1 of the 144k if they reach enough people.

  8. AND TO THINK!? ALL THIS in an attempt to destroy and hide WHAT THAT HISTORY BOOK, The Holy Bible IS ACTUALLY SAYING….to this world!
    SO many look right over the fact that the history begins with the creation of Adam. AW-DAWM: Of ruddy complexion, to blush, to show blood in the face.....then a fallen one rapes Eve and attempts in perverting the blood heritage of AW-dawm....SPAWNING Cain who is cast out and then goes to dwell with the CANAANITES, proceeding to race mix & cause perpetual war against YAHWEH & ADAM KIND. Then comes Abraham, Issac, Jacob & their progeny is ALSO FORBIDDEN TO RACE MIX w/ Kenites, Canaanites, Edomites, Hittites, Amorites AND CAINS ILK! Joshua, King David and many are COMMANDED TO WIPE OUT EDOM ESAU CAIN & FAMILY! LEAVING NOT ONE SHRED OF THEIR BLOOD, OR BLOOD LINE!
    But as in many times throughout the Bible….TRUE ISRAEL DOES NOT OBEY ELOHIM YAHWEH.
    These money changers used their financial powers to usurp the Roman govt in Galilee and to murder the 1ST born & ALL DISSENTERS (YAHUSHUA! THE MESSIAH!) Crucifying any & all who REBUKED TIME & TIME AGAIN IN THE New Testament THEIR BABYLONIAN TALMUD “Traditions” of the EDOMITE ELDERS SCRIPT < PHARISEEISM, which is the Bible of, the BASIS of Judaism then & still today!
    Yahushua rebuked the edomite’s EVERY MOVE in His days…
    I COME ONLY FOR THE LOST SHEEP OF ISRAEL! ONLY FOR TRUE ISRAEL! & NOT RACE MIXING Edomite & PERVERTED SODOMITES & Pharisee’s…..AND WHEN He comes again….Yahushua will STILL feel the same about the BLOOD of HIS people, TRUE Israel !…..THE ADAMIC RACE ….which has lived for centuries under THE YOKE OF THESE CAIN-ITES.
    To get back to the HIS-STORY….SOON these same edomites whom destroyed Jerusalem…..Covertly waited to FORM THE UNIVERSAL "church"....since The TRUE ISRAELITES & 1ST Followers would not budge from THE matter how many were sent to the gallows, hung from trees, sent to the lions den, exiled to PATHMO'S! YAHWEHS TRUE ISRAEL endures to the end! AND THE EDOMITE, now called jew today…..THEN financed Constantine and his "canon" to ELIMINATE THE Septuagint writers & Apocryphal books....WHICH SCREAM THE IDENTITY OF Cain, his lineage, progeny etc....ON MOST EVERY PAGE THE LINEAGE SHOWN IN ALLLLLL the books....but the boy raping, homo King James the jew succeeded….for a SPELL in HIDING THESE BIBLICAL BOOKS.
    Also see:
    Adam was not The First Man…..
    The Sixth Law of God by The Christian Separatist Church Society
    The Galilean - Israel Elect
    It is known, by most Bible students, that the Galileans of Christ ' s
    time, on earth, were Benjaminites, Of the Tribe of Benjamin…… - 87k - Similar pages

    1. WTF? All of this man-created bullshit is ridiculous and all to mass murder women and children to own, rule, control, murder in the name of the holy seed - paternity wasn't always known and no child was illegitimate and war and slavery and kingship did not exist. To this day the entire planet suffers for the male ego - this bible is just the handbook of murder with stolen bits of wisdom from the days when the only diety humans loved, loved them back unconditionally.


  10. God/Source is love, He/She is not a judgemental terrorist. No political agenda. God is LOVE..... Creator did not create to hate and destroy and form a special group from a prescribed set of exclusions!!! God is LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. you wouldn't happen to be a gay would you? if you look at the commandments laid down by god given to Moses I tell you this Homo sexuality was frowned upon where Moses declared that if two men were to have sex with each other then the two of them should be brought before the congregation and should be stoned until dead any man that went with an animal both he and the animal he should be stoned to death and that the animal should be put down because this was an abomination unto God What ever you say about god being a God of love I tell you he is A righteous god of love but will not tolerate sexual perverseness God made man and woman that they should be able to conceive but for a man to go with another man is totally wrong and the worse thing of all is for a priest who supposed acting on the interests of god and of man I find this revolting Look what happened when the Jews could not wait for Moses to come down from mount Sinai when he came back down from the mount and saw them doing unnatural things God opened up the ground where they stood and swallowed them and of course Moses then set about some others of which had not been swallowed into the ground he put them to the sword

    2. Where did Moses declare that, as it certainly is NOT in scripture. People, read your bibles. Moses was a bit busy with trying to make sure the people were headed in the right direction, and just listening to God. Moses was not a king, he was a messenger of God. The only time Moses RAN things was when he was the King's alleged son. Other than that, he ran nothing, and when he attempted to do so, he was CHASTISED BY GOD, HIMSELF. Where these stories stem from, I will never know. If all the so-called Christians would just do as God wanted, and if all those naysayers would just follow a simple rule, they would all be in God's grace, because the rule is what he came to teach us LOVE ONE ANOTHER. Additionally, in case any of you don't realize it, GOD NEVER CLAIMED TO BE ANY RELIGION and I defy ANY OF YOU TO PROVE OTHERWISE! You can't do it, I'll tell you now, because he never did, not in ANY SCRIPTURE. Go on...look it up. This comes from someone that isn't an atheist, but one that TAUGHT IT. In fact, I am of one of the tribes mentioned in the bible...the Levite tribe. I was raised with the OLD traditions mentioned in scripture. Now, think about that. However, we were taught to LOVE ALL, not just Jews or Gentiles. That's what Jesus and all those that came before and after him, wanted EACH OF US TO DO, nothing more, nothing less! You are all breaking God's laws. Ladies, do you wear pants? Do you wear sneakers? You are breaking God's laws. Men, are you hunting or partaking of animal parts? You are breaking God's laws. You see, everyone seems to think they are above what God wants, but scripture was not used to teach that which you think. It was used to show you that you are full of fault, and can never attain Godly status, because of such. It was pretty nice of him to tell you, though, all the things that you couldn't possibly uphold on, wasn't it? You are ALL breaking scripture. Think about that. That's right...YOU ARE ALL FALLIBLE, and God knows it, and now, so do you!

    3. Roland, there is NO SUCH COMMAND which states that Homosexuality is forbidden. Feel free to look it up. I can guarantee it is NOT THERE! Feel free to provide the paragraph where it tells it is forbidden. You won't find even one command like that.

    4. Thou shalt not commit fornication.

    5. Genesis 19; Leviticus 18:22; Leviticus 20:13; Romans 1:26-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10; 1 Timothy 1:10 ALL speak about homosexuality and how it IS a sin! Stop trying to rationalize-being lead by satan, and read your Word!

  11. I don't really see why it matters. King James was not a Christian. He won't be in heaven and anyone who views him as any kind of biblical or Christian hero is very mistaken. Monks translated the bible and dedicated it to King James simply because it was commissioned under his reign.

    All kings tried desperately to create a legacy. Most European kings commissioned extravagant churches, monuments, or Christian sculptures/paintings. James was smart enough to realize that those things wouldn't last as long as a translation of the bible!

    The KJV was historically important, but now we have much older original manuscripts and a better understanding of language and culture so the more recent translations are much more accurate. No current translation used the KJV as a source, that's a misconception. The new translations started over from scratch and are thus more accurate.

    1. how right you are where you revealed that the Monks who went and rewrote the bible for the coronation of King James But you missed out that it was not just the Monks but it was Bishops and cardinals and nuns and monks and Jesuit priests who tainted the Holy scriptures James himself was to also change a few verse here and there The original bible was forced from out of the hands of the Protestants where they would see their well loved Bibles piled up and set alight Its no good saying that us protestants should feel sorry for the Catholics having their chances revoked for the Kingdom I tell you this what did the messiah say (before you take the mote from your brothers eye take out the plank from out of your own eye and then you will see more clearly Like it like it not We Catholics and protestants alike are no better than each other,True there are some differences within the Protestant church and the Catholic but you fail to understand one thing and that the Protestant church like like it not follow the same traditions Christmas Easters and Lent all of these are nothing less than Pagan traditions Beware of the traditions of men. Not all who say lord lord shall enter into the Kingdom of heaven but those that do the will of my father and keep his commandments anyone who should break the least of those commandments shall be called least within the kingdom of heaven and he that teaches them to break those commandments they themselves shall not enter



    1. Your lies are not believable even if you yell. I see you are one of those charlatans who thinks by yelling you speak the truth. Get hence and be are ridiculous!!!

    2. Obama may not be gay, but he should love to let the gays have whatever they want, no matter how wrong it is, and how much it goes against God. Marriage is not for gays. It is just for Breeders, that is what gays call straight couples isn't . I have heard them call straight couples that. It's a bunch of bull and a pile of trash, just like the gay lifestyle. Trying to be normal, which they never will be no matter how much, they try to pervert society, into believing their way of life is.

    3. And I suppose that all of you naysayers and discreditors of the King James Version believe what is written in this new supposed "Queen james bible",huh?

  14. But you do NOT have the original copies of the scrolls chosen for inclusion in the Bible, in whatever translation. They were edited, revised and modified by the Church, and the only copies left today are in Greek. Yes, I know, the holy spirit thing. Might as well realize that it was politics that ruled the day in the compilation of the Bible. Read Bible Bullies: How Fundamentalists Got The Good Book So Wrong.

  15. Jesus said...Truly, truly, I say to you, We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen...If the KJV bible was a lie,I wouldn't have salvation today...I know it's true...HolyGhost filled...Tongue baptized...water baptized in Jesus name...Believed it for myself...Know for sure that God is real...His presence I feel..every day...try Jesus for yourself...dead or gone find out the truth.

    1. since the age of eleven I was to receive what you might call the baptism of the Spirit I spoke in tongues and although I do not wish to brag about it I through the power of that spirit was able to heal a Young girl who'd had her back passage torn out by some evil son of Satan Surgeons did not dare touch her except to offer a Colostomy she was a young teenager who'd suffer until she was roughly 26 years old and when she confided in me on what had been done to her we got down on bent knees where I was to feel a surge of heat come through my hands and when touching on her she was healed instantly Now you talk of salvation and the baptism of the Holy Spirit and also the Baptism of water Take note and understand the Baptism of water is to symbolize the washing away of sin He that you might call Jesus but I call yehowshuwa He himself before he was to receive the Holy Spirit he had to go through the waters of Baptism before he received the Holy spirit The Jews that were to receive the Baptism of the Holy spirit were washed of their sin before they were received the holy spirit they were born again Not Born again Christians But born again Period? But according to Protestantism and Pentecostal beliefs Once you put up your hand and then go to the Front and give yourself to Jesus you are now born again Christians and on some day in the future you hear the pastor announce that there is going to be a baptism of water and according to them you have now to take a passage from out of the bible and tell the congregation that you were a Born again christian for as many years where you then would relate yourself to the passage in the bible the Baptism on what you are receiving is not the Baptism of which was of long ago where Both John and Yehowshuwa Baptized the Jews it may seem similar to that of the baptism of John I'm afraid similar is not good enough an exact likeness is required To Try and cut it short even I as a man that was able to heal not just one Girl of which I told you about I tell you Even Satan can perform Miracles and they Are Perfection for didn't the Messiah tell his disciples that many would use his name to heal the sick cast out demons and preach the gospel but to beware of wolves in sheep's clothing So pray tell me where I stand Since Finding Discrepancies within the Pentecostal churches I have Displaced myself I do not consider myself as a Christian I would like to say that I fear god on what might happen to me If God Can ever have Mercy on me I will rejoice

    2. I remember a passage in the Bible where it clearly states that anyone who goes through the baptism of water unto the repentance of sin if any man who turns back on his sin is like that of a swine that has been scrubbed Clean but because the swine Knows no Different It goes back into the mud and therefor makes its self twice as worse and of course he was making out that if you go through the Baptism of water unto the repentance of sin that if you should go back to your evil ways the Baptism of which you received is now null and void you can only have one Baptism and if you fail to live up to the standards set by Him then you are not fit for the Kingdom of heaven Now look at the woman who was going to be Stoned to to death because of adultery He that is without Sin Cast the First stone? everyone turned away and left her stood within the pit it was then that the Messiah then said to the woman does anyone find you guilty and when she said no master He then said to her neither do I ? therefore go and sin No More? I emphasize He said Go sin No More You and I as God fearing people must Realize that we Must throw away our sin and be born again and start to follow the pathway to heaven Yes I Know it says that we should forgive them that trespass against us and also about forgiving seven times seven times seven But with god he is a supreme Master and what he says goes

    3. So the spirit taught you to speak in tongues but couldn't teach you to write coherently?

  16. The bible says God can use anyone to deliver his word; therefore, gay or not has nothing to do with the Christian bible. People are clearly using this "James being gay" saying, just to justify following the word of God. For people's information, King James did not write the bible. He only had it translated into different languages; therefore, him being gay does not change that the word of God is true. Those of you who do not believe in the bible are being stubborn. Think about it. Christianity is not a religion, it is a way of life. Why does everyone have something to say about the Christian bible, but nothing to say about anything else. It is obvious that satan is trying to turn you all away from the truth. He is deceiving you. Once you get saved you feel God's presence. You feel better about yourself and other things. You will know the change. Matthew, Mark, and Luke talk about the same things. They all said that the sky opened up and a light shined down on Jesus. They said that God spoke and said, "This is my beloved son, listen to him." Mark 9:7 , Luke 9:35, and/or Matthew 3:17. How could someone make this stuff up? Ask yourselves would you want to live on this earth without at least trying Jesus. There is no other way to get to Heaven. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the light. No one comes to the Father, except through me."John 14:6 ... So this means you have to go through Jesus. People do not want to be saved because they still want to sin, but the reality is, do not think about what you are going to do tomorrow or today. You let God handle that. Just come to Jesus first, and let him guide you. Being a Christian does not mean you won't sin. WE ALL sin. The difference is, Christians have a relationship with God, they feel guilty for their sins, they repent with real intentions, they are forgiven, and they try their hardest not to do it again with God's help. Sinners who are not saved, however, fall into mischief. For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief.Proverbs 24:16.... So for all you non-believers give it a try. I mean you do not believe yet anyway, so what do you have to lose, but do it because you really mean it. For those who want to get saved, the sinner's prayer is below. Just say this simple prayer, and you will officially be saved. Let God do the rest, and make sure you ask Him for strength, knowledge, wisdom, and understanding for His word. Also, ask him to lead you in His will.
    The basis of the Sinner's Prayer comes from Romans 10:9-10. Read Romans 10:9-10 before proceeding.
    Dear God in heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge to You that I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sins and the life that I have lived; I need your forgiveness. I believe that your only begotten Son Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the cross at Calvary and died for my sins, and I am now willing to turn from my sin. You said in Your Holy Word, Romans 10:9 that if we confess the Lord our God and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, we shall be saved. Right now I confess Jesus as the Lord of my soul. With my heart, I believe that God raised Jesus from the dead. This very moment I accept Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior and according to His Word, right now I am saved. Thank you Jesus for your unlimited grace which has saved me from my sins. I thank you Jesus that your grace never leads to license, but rather it always leads to repentance. Therefore Lord Jesus transform my life so that I may bring glory and honor to you alone and not to myself. Thank you Jesus for dying for me and giving me eternal life. Amen.
    If you just said this prayer and you meant it with all your heart and you have repented for your sins, we believe that you just got saved and are born again. Now all you need to do is get into a bible-based church, and study God's Word.

  17. best chit i've read since I.P. Abranaitis talmudic expose.I will disseminate this to those old bagges at the southern baptist church.Then again, they're there cos they like being around fags anyway.Church is always women and fags.Real men don't go to church.

  18. pistoff a lot of southern baptists with this here revelation...their spin was "he didn't reit the kjv, he commissioned others to write it"

  19. Christians Did it to themselfs By acceppting the King James Bible as the only word of God. If God gave King James Authority to translate a Bible , than that would mean that homosexuality is ordained by God.

  20. Christians Did it to themselfs by accepting A Gay Kings Translation of the Bible. If God gave authority to King James that means homosex is ordianted by God?

    King Henry should have settle it with Tyndales translation. if he did thier woundnt be be gay people in the Church of England just a lot of divorceses.

  21. I really don't care who wrote the bible honestly, I have about 2-3 translations in my house. I was saved while reading NIVersion, which when I compare it to my Peshitta, is terrible, twisting many scripture against sin. I am an educated man from College, and even though I say that, it entitles me to be no more brilliant than an uneducated who does his homework. In any type of research, you get all the information available to you to make an arbitrary decision(one that is well informed with as much information available), so in doing so I have several translation, and a couple lexicons due to not knowing Hebrew or Greek by being naturally raised in it, and yes a Strong's Concordance for the purpose of the number system that most of the reference books operate on. So all of that said, it takes work to Study Gods word, as it does with ANY course of study in college is the same, you don't get a passing grade by just simply reading the text books for a class. Whether King James was gay has absolutely no matter on my salvation since King James did not save my sole through death on the cross, Jesus Christ did that through a sinless life while walking in the form of a man to prove it could be done. My life task is to complete the rest of my life walking out the same example of choosing righteousness over selfish sin the rest of my life, thereby setting myself up to be able to walk with Christ after my death, or his resurrection, whichever comes first. All such arguing on this post or any like it by "Christian" only proves to me that they are looking distracted by thing of this world, which Christ reproved his disciples for. We are preparing for an spiritual eternal kingdom, not an earthly one.
    It matters not who wrote it, it only matters that you have read it, its words either pierced your heart, or you hardened towards it. Either way, you have made a choice, which is the basis of all human life on earth. Choice.

  22. James not only was a homosexual, but a cruel, vengeful, ruler, who take, whole estates from families, murdered the males and threw the women and children into the streets or roads to starve to death, and he did this to thousands, of his own people, and then turned around and gave these estates to his male lovers, for their favorites, and they were laughing at him behind his back. He was a disgusting, pampered, dressed up pervert, flopping around, pretending he was a man of honor, and all he was, was a totally, disgusting animal, and the only person he cared about was himself.

  23. King James was a Black man but he was not gay. The gay lie was said to have started by one of King James' worse enemies twenty years after King James died. King James was married and had nine children with his wife. He loved his wife. He was the only King during that time who loved in the castle or palace with his wife. The attempt to destroy King James' legacy and character misses the fact that so doing also destroys the perpetrators of such a horrible lie.

    1. He wasn't black and the KJV is a joke. King James was a freemason homosexual who like many other kings in Europe before him was a dictator, murderer and pervert who didn't have God with them. Who was he to write the best english version of the Bible and what about the other languages? Whatever version of the Bible you read, you have to be careful and never trust foolishly one translation, always use your common sense, compare versions and pray.

  24. It's also possible James was bisexual.

  25. Say what you want about a dead King. Make up whatever you want. Twist facts and half truths all you want. It means nothing to a true believer! God's Word lives forever!

    Psalm 68:11

  26. The bible itself is nothing but a book made to control the masses written by a bunch of homosexual men. you have all been fooled.

  27. If King James was bi / homosexual, surely he would have taken offense at the things the KJV says about homosexual activity. You think he would have at least fired the 40 or 50-some member team of translators. Anyway, i am not going to judge the man - i have enough of my own sins to deal with.


    Most of you need this book.

    1. no where in the bible does KJ ask for or receive permission from GOD to change anything. It was not just translations, it was changes! even going so far as to leave out entire verses and books. Matthew 7:21-23 is referring to followers of KJB. They will be what is fought for in Revelation.

  29. Don't be fooled!!! Praising Anything or anyone other than the Almighty is blasphemous!!! It says so big as day in your bible!!! But Christians have this thing for choosing which parts of the doctrine to follow!!! Ask any literate Muslim or Jew and I assure you will get some knowledge of your own "faith"

  30. Don't be fooled!!! Praising Anything or anyone other than the Almighty is blasphemous!!! It says so big as day in your bible!!! But Christians have this thing for choosing which parts of the doctrine to follow!!! Ask any literate Muslim or Jew and I assure you will get some knowledge of your own "faith"

    1. Well said!!! Stop praying to Jesus, Muhammad, Krishna, whoever else. "i am the Lord, Your God, you shall have no other god BESIDE me..." Beside me... as in alongside me, next to me, in partnership with me!!!

  31. What does the Bible really teach, simple, logical and easy to understand.

    1. Well said Michelle,this is where truth is found.

    Has a section on it's web site titled "What does the Bible really teach". Simple, easy to understand. Jesus said "The truth will set you free".

  33. Everybody did they research and still don't no the truth so who 2 say what's right or wrong but I can tell u dat Yahweh is the name

  34. The bible has been contaminated through translation some intentionally and some unintentionally i personally think more intentionally by satan the accursed to lead us astray from GODS word but HIS promise is true in every version of the bible torah quran etc.. Everyone seems to want to be right so desperately but ONE FACT REMAINS .. YOU WILL DO WHAT GOD SAYS AND OBTAIN FROM THAT WHICH HE HAS MADE UNLAWFUL OR BURN IN THE HELL FIRE WHERE THE CHASTISEMENT IS FOREVER!

  35. King James was a BLack Man. And he was not gay. That was a lie that was started by one of his demonic haters. YouTube King James a brief history of black nobility in Europe.

  36. Even noncatholic pastors who studied theology know that king james was gay.

    Probably the reason why this country has use james translation stating that tje bible does not say that being gay is not singul.

  37. it was a time in those dark ages of history
    they where enemy's to the crunch, having to much power against the king
    and they also fought against american
    and the shit that comes from american history is 99% bullshit, those people that didnt like king james for what ever 1.lied 2.couldnt have that out 3.they where white pink men not to be races could it be why there are God who so created us in his image,but give him image JEsus the gay so called son, that guy they call the holy ghost wheres the woman in that

    1. Fought against America? You are thinking of King George a century later.

  38. Curious. King James had 8 children and in the King James It is re enforces that homosexuality is abomination. King James was raised by bible scholars and King James wrote many books about the love he had for his wife and marriage. This is hard to accept...

  39. Hi Sherry, If you know of the falsity of any of the source material I shared please let me know. Otherwise, I don't find it implausible that a person, even King James, could be gay and have a wife and children, and/or be bisexual, or at least have urges for people of the same sex that he may or may not have acted on.


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